Deploy a mern app on server

To build your frontend using Vite, follow these steps:

1. Install Dependencies

If you haven't already installed dependencies, run:

npm install


yarn install


npm install

2. Build the Frontend

Run the build command:

npm run build


yarn build


npm build

This will generate a dist/ folder containing your production-ready files.

3. Serve the Built Files (Optional)

To preview the build locally, use:

npm run preview

Vite will serve the built project on a local development server.

4. Deploy the Frontend

Since you're hosting the frontend on, you need to:

  • Upload the dist/ folder to your server.

  • Configure Nginx to serve it properly.

1. Install Dependencies

If you haven't already installed dependencies, run:

npm install


yarn install

2. Set Up Environment Variables

Make sure you have a .env file in your project directory with the necessary environment variables (e.g., database connection, API keys, JWT secrets, etc.).



3. Run the Backend in Development Mode

For development with automatic restarts:

npm run dev

This runs the backend using nodemon, which automatically restarts when file changes are detected.

For a normal run:

npm start

4. Deploying the Backend (I used this one)

If you're deploying on your Hostinger VPS:

  1. Make sure Node.js and pm2 (for process management) are installed:

     npm install -g pm2
  2. Start the server with PM2:

     pm2 start server.js
  3. Save the PM2 process list:

     pm2 save
  4. Set up Nginx as a reverse proxy (if not already configured).