Import CSV file in Jira
Here I’m gonna create bulk ticket in Jira by CSV file
Here I’m using Admin Account
CSV File look like this
"Project","Issue Type","Summary","Description","Priority","Assignee","Status","Labels"
"TEST","Task","Implement login feature","Develop the login feature for the application.","High","monu","To Do","feature, urgent"
"TEST","Bug","Fix login issue","Users are unable to log in with their credentials.","Critical","monu","In Progress","bug"
"TEST","Story","Create user dashboard","Design and implement the user dashboard.","Medium","monu","To Do","story, ui"
Assignee = monu(Change if you want).Change accordingly
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on System…
3. Click on External System Import
4. Click on Switch to the old experience
5. Select a file from upload menu
6. Click on Next
7. Click on Select a project
8. Click on LegitBytes SOC [LSOC]
9. Type ""
10. Click on @
11. Click on Next
12. Click on highlight
13. Type "ass"
14. Click on Assignee
15. Click on highlight
16. Type "desc"
17. Click on Description
18. Type "issue"
19. Click on Issue Type
20. Type "issue"
21. Click on Issue Type
22. Type "label"
23. Click on Labels
24. Type "pri"
25. Click on Priority
26. Type "summ"
27. Click on Summary
28. Click on Next
29. Click on Begin Import
30. Click on 0 projects and 3 issues imported successfully!…
31. Click on download a detailed log
32. Copy element titled "Implement login feature"
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