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Introduction This guide will walk you through the process of installing Zabbix using Docker Compose and integrating it with AWS...
Basically Sometime docker container is running but the services is not running so at this point of time in every 30 sec we send a curl request if they...
Magento 2.4.6 Docker Environment Prerequirsite = 8gb preffered(6 gb ram) Services : Nginx 1.22, PHP 8.2-fpm-buster, Mariadb 10.6 Tree git clone...
In this Project I am Using Docker,AWS ECR Kubernetes, Ingress, AWS ALB Firstly i want to clone any three-tier application from github and make it...
Before we begin with the Project, we need to make sure we have the following prerequisites installed: EC2 ( AMI- Ubuntu, Type- t2.medium...